How to understand your coffee

For some, coffee is more than just a hit of caffeine in the mornings. There’s a whole lot more to the delicious beverage than you may know.

Coffee, like wine, is an experience. Actually, coffee has more flavours than wine as some sources state the number of coffee aromatic characteristics as high as 1,500, and only 200 for wine. It is a delicate and complex flavour that can be hard to understand but whether you’re a novice barista or a budding connoisseur, this blog will break down how to taste the true integrity of the coffee and help you develop personal preferences for your own enjoyment.

The average everyday coffee drinker probably couldn’t tell you the difference between specialty and commercial coffee, so as a barista, knowing your products is key to engaging customers. You can offer some insight into the origin, qualities and flavours of the beans you’re using to really drive sales, especially when it sounds as good as my Hidden Leaf blend with notes of vanilla, milk chocolate and burnt toffee.

All of my blends, including Hidden Leaf have a medium roast profile, which produces a more balanced flavour, aroma, and acidity, making it a great choice for those new to specialty coffee to try. These blends are best enjoyed in a milk based coffee. As for my single origin beans which are of a light to medium roast, an espresso style coffee would be the optimal way to take them, allowing you to experience all of the flavour notes it has to offer.

When it comes to specialty coffee, being able to brew the perfect espresso will enable you to experience the coffee as the roaster intended. Soon, you will be able to fine tune your offerings as a barista, or find your new favourite bean to enjoy at home. Check out our other blog posts to learn some tips to ensure your coffee will never be less than perfect!

Daniel White